Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Appt with Nephro

Have an appt with my Nephro on Thursday. Wish me luck! Hope it is all good news!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Blood tests

Well these were probably the worse so far in my life.
BUN - 29 high
Creatinine Serum - 2.69 low
GFR - 20
Potassium - 5.3 high
Chloride - 114 high
Carbon Dioxide - 18 low
Protein total - 4.3 Alert
Albumin - 2.2 low
A/g Ratio - 1.0 low
cholesterol - 524
Triglycerides - 324 high
HDL - 43 normal
VLDL - 65 high
LDL - 416
Microalbumin - 9252.6 high

Ever feel that there is just something they are missing? I most certainly do. Focusing on the CKD and Asthma...what if they are missing something?
going back on Lipitor, Prednisone and now adding Accosomething for my Asthma. I just don't think this is going to turn out good.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Always on the positive even when your negative

I strive to stay positive even when negative. Some days it is way harder than other days.
Especially when your nauseous and head achy. I had blood tests last month and guess what my doctor said about my GFR going down to 26?
"Oh the labs always make mistakes."
Yep that is what I deal with here in the high desert.
So, I will move on to yet another doctor.
What is awesome is that I WOKE up this morning!!
Update since 2008:

Pills - only take 2 BP meds, Lasix as needed and Reglan for nausea. I also take Omega Fish Oil, Baby aspirin and an antihistimine. The doctor now says I have adult onset Asthma. So I have an inhaler with me all the time.
I bruise all over my knees, arms and stomach very easily now. I am exhausted by 4 pm and asleep by 5:30ish. I need a nap to keep going through the day.
I have noticed simple things are being forgotten. Like how to turn my stereo in the car down, or the heater on in my apt. Sometimes I drive around an area a bit before I remember where I am turning. I'm just tired. Why can't they figure out how to get the energy levels back to us, I mean if it is only that!
Well time for sleep...going to Fright Fest tomorrow!
