Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Blood tests

Well these were probably the worse so far in my life.
BUN - 29 high
Creatinine Serum - 2.69 low
GFR - 20
Potassium - 5.3 high
Chloride - 114 high
Carbon Dioxide - 18 low
Protein total - 4.3 Alert
Albumin - 2.2 low
A/g Ratio - 1.0 low
cholesterol - 524
Triglycerides - 324 high
HDL - 43 normal
VLDL - 65 high
LDL - 416
Microalbumin - 9252.6 high

Ever feel that there is just something they are missing? I most certainly do. Focusing on the CKD and Asthma...what if they are missing something?
going back on Lipitor, Prednisone and now adding Accosomething for my Asthma. I just don't think this is going to turn out good.